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Alexa/Google Home - Voice Control

The Ubie Smart Home skill makes it easy to control your Qbus home automation installation in combination with all of your favorite connected devices. Add your devices to Ubie actions and Ubie Scenario’s, then simply control them by asking Alexa/ Google Home



For example, you can create an Ubie scenario called “go to bed” then tell Alexa to "Turn on go to bed” and your TV shuts off, your lights turn out, the lights in your stairway, bathroom and bedroom turn on for a predetermined time and you’re ready to go to sleep.

With Ubie, you can dim the lights via Alexa – just say "Alexa, dim the living room lights to 50%" or “Alexa dim the bathroom lights with 5%” you can also control temperature, say “Alexa set the bedroom temperature to 20°C” or “Alexa make it cooler here”. 

Check here how to connect with Ubie.


Google Home 

Check here how to connect with Ubie.


Ubie is a combination of a mobile app and device that integrates your Qbus or KNX home automation system well with the most popular connected home devices such as Sonos, Philips Hue, Nest and many more. The app is available for both iOS and Android, install Ubie and start controlling your smart home with smart voice commands. We offer this integration free of charge for both the Ubie and Ubie KNX. 





Updated: 02/03/2020

Version: 1.0



Developer: Qbus